The fastai documentation already has excellent examples of the Datablock API, you can find it here. Because of that I'll focus on more peculiar use cases here.
If you want a more detailed view take a look at this blog post or at the second chapter of fastbook (scroll down to the From data to DataLoaders section).
from import *
source = untar_data(URLs.PETS)/'images'
fns = get_image_files(source)
fn = fns[0]
Let's change a bit how black and white images are displayed. By default, PILImageBW
uses the Greys
colormap for displaying the images, this works well for MNIST
but doesn't look so good for normal images:
im = PILImageBW.create(fn);;
As we can see, this color maps inverts black and white, a more natural way of displaying this image would be with the gray
So we can create a class that uses this colormap instead:
class PILImageBW2(PILImageBW): _show_args = {'cmap': 'gray'}
im = PILImageBW2.create(fn);
If we want the changes to also be applied to show_batch
we need to make an additional modification, we have to make sure that when our image gets converted to a tensor it maintains the new _show_args
we just defined (else it goes back to the _show_args
from PILImageBW
Note: Try creating the datablock without running the below cell and check what happens.
class TensorImageBW2(TensorImage): _show_args = PILImageBW2._show_args
PILImageBW2._tensor_cls = TensorImageBW2
dblock = DataBlock((ImageBlock(PILImageBW2)), get_items=get_image_files,
dls = dblock.dataloaders(source)
dls.show_batch(nrows=1, max_n=3)
Let's say we have a task where we want to predict the race of a pet. Normally we do this by just looking at an image of the pet, but let's say that for this task, we also have an additional information, the weight of the pet!
How do we handle that?
class ImageWeight(Tuple):
def create(cls, fnw): return cls(PILImage.create(fnw[0]), tensor(fnw[1]))
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
return show_image(self[0], title=str(self[1]), ctx=ctx, **kwargs)
im = ImageWeight.create([fn, 4.2]);;
def ImageWeightBlock(): return TransformBlock(type_tfms=ImageWeight.create,
def random_weight(): return np.random.uniform(1,8)
def get_items(source):
fns = get_image_files(source)
return o: [o, random_weight()])
dblock = DataBlock((ImageWeightBlock, CategoryBlock), get_items=get_items,
get_y=[[itemgetter(0), RegexLabeller(r'^.*\/(.*)_\d+.jpg$')]],
dls = dblock.dataloaders(source)
def show_batch(x:ImageWeight, y, samples, **kwargs):
return show_batch[TensorImage](x, y, samples, **kwargs)
Further reading: Check this for a siamese datablock tutorial.
Unsure if your augmentation transforms are too wild? Check variatons on a single item by passing unique=True
to show_batch
dblock = DataBlock((ImageBlock), get_items=get_image_files,
dls = dblock.dataloaders(source)