Recipes on how to create and use custom metrics.

Probably what you want

If your metric consists of computing a value using the predictions and the labels, and then averaging over all points, use AvgMetric.
You only need to define a function that receives two arguments, the prediction and the targets, and returns a single scalar.

def crazy_metric(pred,targ): return (pred>targ).float().mean()
CrazyMetric = AvgMetric(crazy_metric)
learn = synth_learner(metrics=CrazyMetric)
epoch train_loss valid_loss crazy_metric time
0 31.514929 31.476326 0.281250 00:00
1 31.328915 31.329014 0.281250 00:00

Actually, you don't even need to use AvgMetric, it's so common that fastai automatically uses AvgMetric if you pass a function.

learn = synth_learner(metrics=crazy_metric)
epoch train_loss valid_loss crazy_metric time
0 7.504409 8.258009 0.625000 00:00
1 7.448154 8.182018 0.625000 00:00

More control

To have full control on all steps of calculating a metric inherit from Metric, the three methods needed to override are reset, accumulate and value.

  • reset is called at the beggining of the validation step, here you should initialize all the required variables.
  • accumulate is called after every batch, here you do the actual calculation of your metric and decide how to accumulate the values between the batches.
  • value is called at the end of the validation step, it should return the final value of your already calculated metric.
class EvenCrazierMetric(Metric):
    def reset(self): self.count, = 0,0
    def accumulate(self, learn):
        bs = find_bs(learn.yb)
        pred,yb = learn.pred, detuplify(learn.yb)
        self.count = self.count*0.2 + 0.8*(pred-yb).float().sum() += bs
    def value(self): return self.count*
learn = synth_learner(metrics=EvenCrazierMetric())
epoch train_loss valid_loss even_crazier time
0 24.219156 23.979538 -2295.573242 00:00
1 24.121483 23.860945 -2290.544434 00:00

Sklearn metrics

scikit-learn already constains a bunch of useful metrics. With fastai you don't need to re-write all of that, there's a handy function called skm_to_fastai that will do the conversion for you. Let's take a look at one that it's already defined in the source code:

def HammingLoss(axis=-1, sample_weight=None):
    "Hamming loss for single-label classification problems"
    return skm_to_fastai(skm.hamming_loss, axis=axis, sample_weight=sample_weight)

That's it, just wrap the function and pass the required paramaters.

See it in action.

This is how accuracy_multi is defined inside the library. It's just a simple function, and remeber that when we pass functions as metrics to our Learner they get automatically converted to AvgMetric.

def accuracy_multi(inp, targ, thresh=0.5, sigmoid=True):
    "Compute accuracy when `inp` and `targ` are the same size."
    inp,targ = flatten_check(inp,targ)
    if sigmoid: inp = inp.sigmoid()
    return ((inp>thresh)==targ.bool()).float().mean()